Embedding Social Skills into Your PYP Classroom
It's a well-known fact that social skills are integral to a child's development. These skills, which include communication,...
Embedding Social Skills into Your PYP Classroom
Research Skills in the PYP
Why use decodable texts?
Vocabulary: Tell me more
Phonological Awareness: Tell me more
Fluency: Tell me more
Science of Reading: Recommended Books
The Science of Reading: What Every Teacher Needs to Know.
Visual Literacy - Understanding Gesture with Year 1
Transdisciplinary Links with Maths
The first step is always the hardest
Time to Create - 3
Time to Create 2 - The Most Magnificent... Bridges
Time to Create 1 - What Do You Do With An Idea?
Introducing Hexagonal Thinking
Using Picture Books to Promote Wellbeing
Culture and Identity in Picture Books - What do we have in our library? What next?